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Alchemist Boudoir

Lake Erie Boudoir Session

Updated: Oct 7, 2019

Sometimes as a photographer, you get a creative itch to shoot something for yourself. Something different from your typical body of work. A lot of times, you ask to include your friends who might also be photographers or other creatives.

I have been itching to shoot a boudoir session up in Cleveland at Lake Erie. I had one this time last year, and it rained so intensely that my model was just SOAKED and we were both absolutely freezing by the time we finished. While it was a blast and we genuinely enjoyed the experience, I didn't get the full experience I had been craving.

Enter, today.

I asked a few of my photographer friends if they wanted to drive up from Akron to the lake. At one point there were 4 people on board for this mission, but ultimately it ended up being myself and one other woman because sometimes life has other ideas for us and plans don’t work out as we had thought. That's okay though, because I got everything I had been after, and then some.

Guys. Bri... Bri is just magical. Every time we work together we laugh until our sides hurt, and today was no different.

Outdoor Lake Erie Boudoir Photography Cleveland Ohio

Driving to Cleveland ridiculously early to try to catch the sunrise (We failed. The need for Starbucks, my inability to navigate anywhere in Ohio because I am from Alaska, and the fact that it started to RAIN as we pulled up to the lake) the excitement was palpable.

I don’t often have the privilege of being photographed by other photographers, but Bri and I decided that today we would trade off photographing one another. It was SO FUN. It was about 60 degrees, wickedly windy and the waves from the lake were FIERCE. Seriously, I think I nearly drowned at one point but thankfully my camera was safely packed away when the wave attacked me. Sputtering and looking far more drowned damsel than sexy sea siren, I carried on. I can’t wait to see the images Bri took of me, all smeared mascara and sand in my hair.

We had the beach all to ourselves, which is a rare treat. We had 3 full hours uninterrupted to let our creative juices flow. We left feeling high on life... and maybe a little damp and sore.

No candles, no mirrors, no prism rainbow reflections... but still just as magical as my studio work.

I am just in love. More of this, please!!!!


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